BlueIOT (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
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Revolutionize Your Indoor Experience with Blueiot's Location Tracking Device


As a leading location-based service provider, Blueiot has spearheaded the transformation of indoor positioning with our innovative and high-precision location tracking device. Here, we delve into what our technology is, why it's essential, and how it stands out in the industry.


What is Blueiot's Location Tracking Device

Blueiot's location tracking device is a game-changer in indoor positioning. It leverages advanced Bluetooth Angle-of-arrival (AoA) technology to deliver unprecedented accuracy. With positioning precision ranging from 0.1m to 1m, our devices set a new industry standard. They come in three distinct types: Classic Type BA3000-t, Pro Type BA3000-p, and Waterproof Type BA3000-w, each designed to meet specific requirements.

Why is it Essential for Your Business

In today's fast-paced world, real time location tracking is paramount for businesses across various industries. Whether you're in manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, warehousing, retail, or smart building management, our location tracking device offers a host of benefits.


First and foremost, it provides the high-precision data needed to optimize operations. With accuracy up to 10 times higher than traditional Bluetooth technology, you can count on our devices to track assets, people, and products with remarkable precision.


Moreover, our devices are designed for easy integration and compatibility with both iOS and Android platforms. This flexibility ensures that you can seamlessly incorporate our technology into your existing systems, saving time and resources. With dual network port serial link support, the deployment is streamlined, reducing the complexities of wiring.


One of the standout features of our location tracking device is its ability to act as a Bluetooth AoA gateway. This means that in addition to precise positioning, it also opens the door to a wide array of Bluetooth IoT sensor data. By utilizing our device, you can gather valuable insights into your environment, further enhancing decision-making and resource management.

How Does Blueiot's Location Tracking Device Stand Out

Blueiot's location tracking device stands out in the market for several reasons. Its use of Bluetooth AoA technology ensures exceptional accuracy, and its compact dimensions make installation a breeze. Our BA3000-t operates in a temperature range of -20 to 70℃, making it suitable for various environments, and it can withstand storage in temperatures ranging from -40 to 85℃, ensuring durability.


In the competitive landscape of indoor positioning, Blueiot has made significant strides. We are a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tsingoal technology, a member of Bluetooth SIG, and one of the primary providers of BLE Angle of Arrival solutions worldwide. We take pride in being pioneers and advocates for the integration of BLE AoA with 5G technology, making us industry leaders in this exciting field.



If you seek to revolutionize your indoor experience and transform your business operations, Blueiot's location tracking device is the answer. Its high precision, compatibility, and data gathering capabilities set it apart in the market. Trust Blueiot to deliver the innovation you need for success in indoor positioning.                    

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