BlueIOT (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

Bluetooth AoA Technology

What is Bluetooth AoA Technology?

Based on the latest BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Bluetooth 5.1 Technology, Blueiot applies the Angle of Arrival - Bluetooth AoA positioning algorithm to reach the unique direction of the incoming wave and position of the tag, which can reach 0.1-meter accuracy and improve the accuracy of traditional low-precision Bluetooth by 10 times.

With Bluetooth 5.1 AoA direction finding technology, Blueiot locating anchor is backward compatible with all Bluetooth 4.0 or above tags and supports the high-precision locating service for both BLE AoA tags and LBS phones.

Standing out of high compatibility, high accuracy, and low energy, Bluetooth 5.1 AoA technology has become the main driving indoor positioning technology for industry 4.0.

bluetooth 5.1 aoa

Single area Two-dimensional locating in single anchor area

An AoA anchor calculates the actual heading angle/pitch angle of the tag, and obtains a unique ray. Then according to the height of the tag, this anchor can calculate and obtain the unique spatial absolute coordinate.

bluetooth 5.1 aoa

Large area spatial locating

The strapdown combination of multiple anchors obtains a larger positioning coverage space, and multiple anchor course angel calculations improve the global spatial accuracy level.

BlueIoT AoA System

The smooth operation of Blueiot’s Bluetooth AoA High-Precision Positining System can be achieved by three platform layers. At the Hardware Layer, Blueiot RTLS Tags attached to people, assets and vehicles transmit direction-finding signal, and Blueiot RTLS Anchors produce the phase difference when the transmitted signal comes across the antenna array. Then the Calculation Layer, responsible for collecting the data from anchors, calculates and communicates X, Y and Z coordinates to upstream applications. So at the Application Layer, plenty of functions are realized, such as location map, trajectory tracing, geo-fence & alarm, camera linkage, roll call, attendance & work hours statistics, patrol task, etc.
bluetooth 5.1 aoa
bluetooth 5.1 aoa

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