BlueIOT (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
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Patient Tracking System - Ensuring Comprehensive and Efficient Patient Care


In today's fast-paced healthcare industry, patient care has become more complex and challenging than ever before. Patients require physical and mental care in a comprehensive and detailed way, and healthcare facilities must ensure the safety and well-being of their patients while optimizing resource allocation and patient flow.

To achieve these goals, many healthcare facilities are turning to real-time location systems (RTLS). RTLS allows for the monitoring of patients' locations and movements within a healthcare facility, providing healthcare providers with valuable information that can improve patient outcomes.


Revolutionizing Patient Monitoring with Blueiot RTLS

Blueiot is one such company that has revolutionized patient monitoring with its advanced RTLS technology. Blueiot offers a range of patient monitoring devices, including Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tags that can be attached to patients and communicate with BLE anchors or gateways installed throughout the facility.

Benefits of Using Blueiot RTLS in Patient Tracking

Blueiot's RTLS technology enables accurate locating of patients in real time. This feature is particularly useful in case patients get lost or stuck somewhere, ensuring that they receive timely assistance. Moreover, patients are provided with one-click access to help if they feel unwell or in need of assistance.

Blueiot's patient tracking system also supports the monitoring of vital signs like temperature and heart rate. Any abnormal changes in these vital signs are immediately communicated to staff, enabling them to take prompt action and ensure patient safety.

Another key advantage of using Blueiot's RTLS technology in patient tracking is its ability to trigger alarms if patients step out of safe zones or near unauthorized areas.

This feature ensures that patients remain within designated areas, promoting their safety and security.

Finally, Blueiot's patient tracking system supports trajectory analysis, which is particularly useful for patients with mental disorders. The system enables playback of patient behavior, allowing healthcare providers to gain valuable insights into patient needs and develop more effective treatment plans.



Patient tracking that incorporates Blueiot's RTLS technology offers a range of benefits to healthcare facilities, including improved patient safety, optimized resource allocation and patient flow, and enhanced patient outcomes. By investing in this advanced technology, healthcare facilities can ensure comprehensive and efficient patient care while remaining competitive in today's rapidly evolving healthcare industry.

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