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Which Healthcare RTLS Technology is the Best for Your Facility?


In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, the ability to efficiently track and manage assets, patients, and personnel is paramount. Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) have emerged as indispensable tools for enhancing operational efficiency, improving patient care, and ensuring regulatory compliance within healthcare facilities. However, with a multitude of RTLS technologies available, choosing the right solution can be a daunting task.

In this article, we delve into the diverse array of healthcare RTLS technologies and explore their unique features and applications. From Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and beyond, each technology offers distinct advantages and considerations for healthcare providers.


Types of Indoor Positioning Technology for Healthcare

●  Bluetooth AoA (Angle of Arrival): Bluetooth AoA is an indoor positioning technology that estimates the angle of arrival or direction from which a particular device receives signals. Using the angles of signals, Bluetooth AoA provides location tracking with high accuracy in a limited area. In healthcare facilities, this technology provides real-time monitoring of medical devices and equipment, personnel use, and patients to ensure cost-effective resource management, which goes a long way toward improving patient's health.

●  RSSI Beacon Technology: RSSI Beacon Technology is a technology that depends on measuring the strength of signals from beacons. It defines the position of a device within an indoor space according to signal strength measurements at various spots. RSSI Beacon Technology is affordable and suitable for uses where high precision is unimportant. It is Healthcareloyed for general asset tracking and patient flow monitoring within facilities.

●  UWB (Ultra-Wideband) Indoor Positioning: UWB uses short pulses of radio waves to locate items or people precisely within an indoor space. In a hospital setting, UWB technology with high accuracy and low latency offers suitable applications for tracking medical equipment, ensuring staff and patient safety, and boosting workflow efficiency. UWB's ability to function in hostile situations with minimum interference makes it an appealing alternative for indoor positioning systems used in healthcare facilities.

Advantages of Bluetooth AoA technology

ü  High Precision and Enhanced Security: Bluetooth AoA technology provides extraordinary precision in indoor locating by sensing the angle of arrival of signals. This high level of accuracy is essential in healthcare situations where the precise location of assets, workers, and patients is critical. Furthermore, the directed nature of Bluetooth AoA enhances security by lowering the risk of signal interference and unauthorized access, thereby protecting essential healthcare data and assets.

ü  Low Power Consumption: One of Bluetooth AoA's primary benefits is its minimal power use. This capability is highly beneficial in healthcare settings where battery life is critical, especially for tracking tags and wearables. Bluetooth AoA is a practical and sustainable solution that ensures tracking devices have a long operating life without frequent battery replacements.

ü  Cost-Effective Deployment: Bluetooth AoA technology is noted for being cost-effective to implement. It is an attractive option for healthcare facilities implementing hospital patient tracking systems without a substantial financial burden. The infrastructure requirements for Bluetooth AoA are relatively straightforward, leveraging existing Bluetooth-enabled devices and access points. This cost-effectiveness makes it easier for healthcare organizations to adopt and integrate Bluetooth AoA into their existing infrastructure, facilitating efficient and budget-friendly deployment.

If you seek a robust and reliable hospital staff tracking system for your healthcare facility, Blueiot's technology stands out as a commendable choice. Blueiot offers a comprehensive RTLS solution tailored to the unique needs of healthcare settings. With advanced features such as Bluetooth AoA for high-precision indoor positioning, Blueiot's technology accurately tracks the facility's assets, personnel, and patients.


Blueiot is a global leader in location-based services, pioneering a revolutionary Real-Time Locating System (RTLS) powered by Bluetooth Angle-of-Arrival technology. The company's indoor tracking system boasts an impressive accuracy of up to 0.1m, a tenfold improvement over traditional Bluetooth technology. Blueiot's innovative indoor positioning solution finds extensive applications across diverse sectors, including manufacturing, Healthcare, logistics, warehouse management, smart retail, and intelligent buildings. As a location-based service provider, Blueiot envisions a future where its open positioning platform facilitates a more precise location experience for the world's ten billion Bluetooth-enabled devices, empowering various industries. With a commitment to innovation and accuracy, Blueiot is at the forefront of transforming how businesses approach real-time location services, contributing to increased efficiency and effectiveness across various domains.

For more information on RTLS technology, contact Blueiot now.
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