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Understanding the Technology Behind Real-time Location Systems for Indoor Positioning


Welcome to the world of Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) for indoor positioning! RTLS has become a game-changer in many industries, from healthcare to retail and logistics. These systems allow businesses to track people, assets, and inventory within an indoor environment with pinpoint accuracy. But how do they work? In this blog post, we will dive into the technology behind RTLS and explore why it’s essential for businesses looking to optimize their operations. 

What is a Real-time Location System and How Does it Operate?

Real-time location systems (RTLS) are a type of technology that track the location of individuals or objects in real time. RTLS can be used for a variety of purposes, such as tracking the whereabouts of employees, monitoring security footage, and locating items. RTLS developed by Blueiot is based on Bluetooth angle of arrival (AoA) and achieved an average accuracy of 0.1 meters.


Bluetooth AoA Technolgy Behind RTLS

The Angle of Arrival (AoA) technology is a type of location-based technology that employs a single antenna to send direction-finding signals, and the apparatus at the receiving end of the connection has a built-in antenna array. This allows the device to determine the angle of arrival of incoming signals. When the signal has traveled through, a phase difference will occur as a result of the varying distances at which it is received in the array. After this, the relative signal direction will be determined. The Bluetooth AoA technology allows for more accurate positioning within a building or even across large expanses. Additionally, the low power consumption of Bluetooth AoA makes it ideal for use in smaller devices such as wearable devices and IoT devices.

Benefits of a Real-time Location System for Indoor Positioning

There are many benefits to using an RTLS system for indoor positioning. First, RTLS systems are more accurate than other types of positioning technologies, like GPS or magnetic field sensors. Second, RTLS systems are less sensitive to environmental changes than other tracking technologies. This means that they can be used in areas with low signal strength or in environments with obstacles. Additionally, RTLS systems are faster and more reliable than other positioning technologies. Finally, RTLS systems are very versatile and can be adapted to many different applications.



In this article, we have discussed the technology behind Real-time location systems (RTLS) for indoor positioning. By understanding how RTLS works, you will have a better understanding of how these systems are used in modern-day applications and what benefits they offer. At Blueiot, we have a professional service team that is always dedicated to helping you. If you are interested in learning more about the technology behind RTLS for indoor positioning, please do hesitate to contact us.

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