BlueIOT (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
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Revolutionizing Real Time Locationing System with Bluetooth AoA Technology


We've come a long way from paper maps and compasses in terms of location accuracy. There is, however, potential for development, particularly in indoor areas where GPS signals might be unstable. Bluetooth Angle of Arrival (AoA) technology transforms the real time locationing system with unprecedented precision and accuracy. Blueiot, for example, uses Bluetooth AoA technology to provide positioning solutions for different industries, ranging from logistics to hospitals.


How Does Bluetooth AoA Improve Real Time Location Accuracy?

AoA, or Angle of Arrival, is a Bluetooth technology that helps to improve location accuracy. By measuring the angle at which a signal arrives from a Bluetooth device, AoA can more accurately calculate its position. This is especially useful in situations where GPS signals are obstructed, such as indoors or in urban canyons.


In the past, most Bluetooth-based location services have relied on RSSI, or Received Signal Strength Indication. RSSI measures the strength of a signal at its source and can be used to estimate the distance between the transmitter and receiver. However, RSSI is affected by factors such as obstacles and interference, which can lead to inaccurate results.


Bluetooth AoA Technology solves these constraints by directly measuring a signal's angle of arrival. It is possible to obtain a more accurate reading of a device's position by using multiple AoA receivers.


Bluetooth AoA is already being used in a number of applications including retail store analytics, asset tracking, and indoor navigation. As the technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative uses for Bluetooth AoA in the future.

Advantages of Using Bluetooth AoA for Real Time Locating

There are many advantages of using Bluetooth AoA for locating. One advantage is that it is more accurate than GPS. GPS can be inaccurate because it relies on line-of-sight to satellites, which can be obstructed by buildings and other objects. Bluetooth AoA, on the other hand, uses radio waves that can penetrate walls and other obstacles, making it more accurate.


Another is that it uses less energy than GPS. GPS is constantly searching for satellite signals, which consumes a lot of battery power. Bluetooth AoA only needs to hunt for signals when it is turned on or when it loses connection with the base station, thereby conserving battery power.


Bluetooth AoA technology increases the accuracy and efficiency of the real time locating system. Businesses may ensure that their clients have an accurate and dependable experience by exploiting the unique characteristics of this protocol. Additionally, the technology minimizes installation time and cost, allowing organizations to rapidly deploy advanced location-based solutions without lowering quality or reliability. Bluetooth AoA is certain to become an industry standard for achieving pinpoint accuracy of the real time locating system.                    

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