BlueIOT (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
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Blueiot RTLS for Hospital: How Smart Tracking Technology is Revolutionizing Healthcare


Blueiot is a cutting-edge real-time location system (RTLS) provider that utilizes Bluetooth AoA positioning technology to track patients, staff, and equipment within hospitals. Blueiot's RTLS for hospital provides accurate and reliable location data that can be integrated with a smart navigation system to create a more efficient and convenient hospital environment.


Benefits of Blueiot's RTLS for Hospital

Blueiot's RTLS for hospital offers numerous benefits for both patients and healthcare providers. Firstly, the system provides sub-meter precision, ensuring accurate and reliable tracking of patients, staff, and equipment within the hospital. Secondly, electronic fences can be set up to ensure that people and assets remain within designated areas, promoting safety and security. Thirdly, individualized tracking provides customized information about patients' movements and locations, enabling healthcare providers to respond quickly in case of an emergency.

Smart Navigation in Hospital

Blueiot RTLS for hospital can be integrated with a smart navigation system to help visitors navigate the hospital environment easily and efficiently. Visitors can find the shortest or least congested way to the hospital using outdoor location solutions and check for available parking spaces in advance. Additionally, online booking and AI triage can save visitors time and energy by reducing long queues and staffing pressure. Once inside the hospital, visitors can use the real-time location and movement on 2D/3D maps to be directed to any part of the hospital. Location sharing ensures that visitors never lose track of their companions, and the one-click for help feature allows visitors and patients to send an alarm in case of an emergency.

Blueiot RTLS Advantages in Hospital

Blueiot RTLS for hospital has several advantages over traditional patient tracking systems. Firstly, it offers high accuracy with sub-meter precision, ensuring reliable and accurate location data. Secondly, the system has high capacity and can receive data from 500 tags at one time within a second, ensuring that all patients, staff, and equipment are tracked in real-time. Thirdly, Blueiot RTLS supports a broad ecosystem, enabling BLE devices of all sorts to work together seamlessly. Fourthly, the battery life of Blueiot Bluetooth AoA devices is up to 5 years, reducing maintenance costs. Finally, the small size of AoA tags (wristband/badge) makes them portable and comfortable for patients and staff to wear.



Blueiot RTLS for hospital is a game-changer in healthcare technology, providing accurate and reliable tracking of patients, staff, and equipment within hospitals. This innovative solution offers numerous benefits such as sub-meter precision, electronic fences, individualized tracking, smart navigation, and one-click help features. With its high accuracy, capacity, broad ecosystem, low power consumption, low cost, and small size, Blueiot RTLS for hospital is an excellent choice for hospitals looking to enhance their digital transformation efforts and create a more efficient and convenient healthcare environment.

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