BlueIOT (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
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Revolutionize Hospital Management with a Patient Tracking System


As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, hospitals are under increasing pressure to improve patient outcomes while simultaneously reducing costs. At Blueiot, we believe that our Bluetooth AoA indoor positioning technology can revolutionize hospital management by providing a patient tracking system that streamlines patient flow and care coordination, reduces wait times, and improves patient satisfaction. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of our patient tracking system and show you why it’s the ideal solution for hospitals looking to improve their operations.


Streamlining Patient Flow and Care Coordination

Our patient tracking system is designed to streamline patient flow and care coordination within hospitals. By using our anchor (indoor BA3000-T), software (positioning engine), and tags (for people or assets), hospitals can track the location of patients and medical equipment in real-time. This means that hospital staff can quickly locate patients, assign tasks to the appropriate staff members, and track the progress of patient care. By streamlining patient flow and care coordination, hospitals can reduce the amount of time that patients spend waiting for care, which can improve patient outcomes and reduce costs.

Reducing Wait Times and Improving Patient Satisfaction

One of the primary benefits of our patient tracking system is that it can reduce wait times and improve patient satisfaction. By providing hospital staff with real-time information about the location of patients and medical equipment, our system allows staff members to be more efficient in their duties. This means that patients can receive care more quickly, which can lead to improved outcomes and higher patient satisfaction. In addition, our system can provide patients with personalized notifications and updates about their care, which can further improve patient satisfaction.

Application Scenarios for Blueiot’s Patient Tracking System

Our patient tracking system is ideal for a wide range of healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. It can be used to track patients, medical equipment, and staff members, and can be customized to meet the specific needs of each healthcare facility. In addition to healthcare settings, our system can be used in a variety of other industries, including industrial manufacturing, warehousing, and museums.

Target Customers for Blueiot’s Patient Tracking System

Our patient tracking system is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses (10-20 people) or larger customers, such as Huawei and Lenovo, who are involved in IoT-related projects. Our target customers include integrator systems, solution providers, software developers, distributors, resellers, agents, and wholesalers who are looking to improve their operations and provide better care for their patients.



At Blueiot, we believe that our patient tracking system  can revolutionize hospital management by providing real-time tracking of patients, medical equipment, and staff members. Our system is designed to streamline patient flow and care coordination, reduce wait times, and improve patient satisfaction. With our Bluetooth AoA indoor positioning technology, hospitals can improve their operations and provide better care for their patients. So why wait? Contact Blueiot  today and discover how our patient tracking system can benefit your healthcare facility.

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