BlueIOT (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
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Blueiot Bluetooth Tracking Device for High-Precision Indoor Positioning


Bluetooth tracking devices have become an indispensable tool for many industries that require high-precision indoor positioning. These devices leverage Bluetooth technology to enable real-time monitoring of assets, people, and inventory, among other things. Blueiot is one such brand that offers cutting-edge Bluetooth tracking devices that provide sub-meter high precision indoor positioning services.


Introduction to Blueiot Bluetooth Tracking Devices

Blueiot  Bluetooth Tracking Devices consist of the Blueiot RTLS Anchor and the Blueiot RTLS Tag. The Blueiot RTLS Anchor is a Bluetooth tracking device that collects signals from RTLS tags and processes the data. It not only provides high-precision indoor positioning services but also serves as a Bluetooth AoA gateway to access all kinds of Bluetooth IoT sensor data. On the other hand, the Blueiot RTLS Tag is a small, wireless device that can be attached to people or objects for real-time location tracking. Both devices work together to provide real-time location tracking services with unparalleled accuracy.

Understanding Bluetooth AoA and RSSI Technologies

The two main technologies used in Bluetooth tracking devices are Angle of Arrival (AoA) and Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI). Blueiot Bluetooth Tracking Devices use Bluetooth AoA technology, allowing for very precise location tracking. This technology is particularly useful for indoor localization and asset tracking in healthcare, manufacturing, retailing, transportation, public security, and more scenarios.

Blueiot Bluetooth Tracking Devices: Versatile Solutions for B2B Clients

Whether you need high-precision indoor positioning services or real-time location tracking for your assets, Blueiot Bluetooth Tracking Devices offer versatile solutions that can meet your specific needs and the level of precision required for the location tracking. The devices come in three different types - Classic Type BA3000-t, Pro Type BA3000-p, and Waterproof Type BA3000-w. Each type is designed to cater to different client requirements. For example, the Pro Type is ideal for outdoor use as it offers super protection and a hidden line design, while the Waterproof Type is suitable for industrial wet environments as it comes with an IP68 waterproof grade.

Moreover, Blueiot Bluetooth Tracking Devices are compatible with both iOS and Android systems, making them accessible to a wide range of clients. The devices are also low-cost and energy-efficient, ensuring that they do not put a strain on your resources. Blueiot's team of professional RTLS developers and experienced solution providers welcomes any potential partners and clients to try their demo and explore the benefits of using Blueiot Bluetooth Tracking Devices.



Bluetooth tracking devices have become essential tools for many industries that require high-precision indoor positioning. Blueiot offers cutting-edge Bluetooth tracking devices that provide sub-meter high precision indoor positioning services. With Bluetooth AoA technology, these devices offer unparalleled accuracy, making them ideal for indoor localization and asset tracking. Blueiot Bluetooth Tracking Devices are versatile solutions that can meet different client requirements and are cost-effective and energy-efficient. As a professional RTLS developer and experienced solution provider, Blueiot welcomes any potential partners and clients to try their demo and explore the benefits of using Blueiot Bluetooth Tracking Devices.                    

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