BlueIOT (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
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Empower Your Workforce with a Personnel Tracking System


As the world becomes increasingly connected, the need for accurate and efficient indoor positioning solutions has become more pressing. If you’re looking for a reliable and efficient personnel tracking system, Blueiot has the perfect solution for your business. In this article, we’ll introduce you to our Bluetooth AoA personnel tracking system, and show you how it can enhance employee performance management, as well as increase safety and security in the workplace.


Enhancing Employee Performance Management

With Blueiot’s personnel tracking system, you can easily monitor the performance of your employees. By using our anchor (indoor BA3000-T) and work tags, you can accurately track the movement of your employees and analyze their performance. This can help you identify areas where your employees are excelling, as well as areas where they may need additional training or support. By leveraging this data, you can optimize your workforce and ensure that your business is running at maximum efficiency.

Increasing Safety and Security in the Workplace

In addition to enhancing employee performance management, Blueiot’s personnel tracking system can also increase safety and security in the workplace. By accurately tracking the movement of your employees, you can ensure that they’re staying within designated areas and adhering to safety protocols. Additionally, if an emergency were to occur, you can quickly locate and evacuate your employees to safety. This can give you peace of mind and help prevent potential accidents or injuries in the workplace.

Application Scenarios

Blueiot’s personnel tracking system is suitable for a wide range of application scenarios, including hospitals, industrial manufacturing industries, and museums. In hospitals, our technology can be used to monitor the location of patients, medical equipment, and medical staff, as well as provide guided navigation to visitors. In industrial manufacturing industries, our technology can be used to locate pallets, valuable assets, forklifts, and other moving vehicles, as well as monitor employee performance. In museums, our technology can be used to locate collections and provide guided tours to visitors.

Target Customers

Blueiot’s personnel tracking system is suitable for a wide range of customers, including SMEs (10-20 people) and large customers such as Huawei and Lenovo. Our technology is particularly well-suited for customers with an IoT-related background, such as integrator systems, solution providers, software developers, distributors, resellers, agents, and wholesalers. If you’re looking to enhance employee performance management and increase safety and security in the workplace, Blueiot’s personnel tracking system is the perfect solution for your business.



If you’re looking to empower your workforce with a reliable and efficient personnel tracking system, Blueiot has the perfect solution for your business. Our Bluetooth AoA indoor positioning technology can enhance employee performance management, as well as increase safety and security in the workplace. With a wide range of application scenarios and target customers, Blueiot’s personnel tracking system is suitable for businesses of all sizes. So why wait? Contact Blueiot  today and start empowering your workforce with the latest in indoor positioning technology.

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