BlueIOT (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
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Blueiot’s RTLS: The Next Generation of Indoor Positioning


Indoor positioning has become increasingly important in recent years, and Blueiot’s RTLS (Real-Time Location System) is at the forefront of this technology. With seamless integration with IoT applications and scalable solutions for both SMEs and large enterprises, Blueiot’s RTLS is the perfect solution for those in need of advanced indoor positioning.


Seamless Integration with IoT Applications

As a customer in the location IoT industry, Blueiot’s Bluetooth AoA (angle of arrival) indoor positioning technology provides a cutting-edge solution for indoor positioning systems. Blueiot’s RTLS is designed to seamlessly integrate with IoT applications, making it an ideal solution for those in need of advanced indoor positioning. With the ability to monitor the location of people and objects in indoor spaces, Blueiot’s RTLS can be used in a variety of applications such as hospitals, industrial manufacturing, and museums.

Scalable Solutions for SMEs and Large Enterprises

Whether you’re a small to medium-sized enterprise or a large corporation like Huawei or Lenovo, Blueiot’s RTLS offers scalable solutions to meet your indoor positioning needs. Blueiot’s RTLS system includes anchors (indoor BA3000-T), software (positioning engine), and tags (work tags), providing a comprehensive solution for indoor positioning. The system is easy to set up and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business.


In addition to providing scalable solutions for indoor positioning, Blueiot’s RTLS also offers a range of benefits for businesses. The system can be used for employee performance management, locating pallets, locating more valuable assets, locating forklifts or moving vehicles, as well as guiding and navigating medical staff, patients and medical equipment in hospitals.

A Promising Market and Sale

Blueiot’s RTLS is targeted towards integrator systems, solution providers, software developers, distributors resellers, agents and wholesalers who have a background in IoT-related industries and are involved in the above-mentioned positioning application scenarios. With a promising market and sale potential, Blueiot’s RTLS is a great investment for those looking to expand their business in the location IoT industry.



In conclusion, Blueiot’s RTLS is the next generation of indoor positioning technology, offering seamless integration with IoT applications and scalable solutions for both SMEs and large enterprises. The system provides a range of benefits for businesses, including employee performance management, locating valuable assets, guiding and navigating medical staff, patients and equipment, and much more. With a promising market and sale potential, Blueiot’s RTLS is a great investment for those looking to expand their business in the location IoT industry. So why wait? Contact Blueiot today and start experiencing the benefits of advanced indoor positioning technology.

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